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  • Child and junior members over the age of 8 can book a court, but the club reserves the right to restrict bookings made by these members.
  • Advance bookings can be made 8 days in advance from 8.00am Monday to Sunday.
  • If members have not arrived for a pre-booked court 10 minutes after the start time, the court will be released for use by other members.
  • If a booking needs to be cancelled, 48 hours notice should be given. If a court is not cancelled (no show) or cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, members will lose their advance booking rights for a period of 1 month.
  • Booking rights follow peak and off-peak membership access rights.
  • Individual coaching sessions can be booked directly with the tennis professionals. Tennis professionals can book a court on behalf of a member following all the stated booking policies. The member's membership number and name must be stated.
  • Both adult and junior courses can be booked 3 months in advance and must be paid for in full at reception in advance of the course starting.
  • Weekly tennis clinics can be booked 8 days in advance from 8.00am Monday to Sunday and must be paid for in full in advance of the clinic starting.
  • Members may need to pay an extra fee to play tennis at some clubs and at certain times of the day.
  • If you are unable to make a court booking at your preferred time your details can be added to a waiting list. Members on the waiting list will be contacted in strict order. If members are unavailable no message will be left. The next member will be contacted and the first to make contact will receive the place.
  • David Lloyd Leisure reserves the right to pre-book courts for coaching, events, the tennis programme and maintenance.
  • Tennis and Badminton bookings may be limited to 1 hour for singles and 1.5 hours for doubles per day. Please check with your club for details.
  • Squash courts can be booked in 40 minute time slots.
  • Members with a weekend package can only make reservations on the day itself and not in advance.
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David Lloyd Leisure Ltd © Copyright 2024

VAT No. 740 5477 34. Registered Company No. 1516226 David Lloyd Leisure Ltd, The Hangar, Mosquito Way, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AX